So what’s this about unprotected sugars and proteins?

“Cancer cells ferment unprotected sugars and proteins.”

Those of you who have been to an event would have heard Dean mention this, but what exactly does this mean?

Put simply, it means that cancer cells will first and foremost go to sugars and proteins, not wrapped in fibre, in order to sustain their own survival. Through fermentation of these sugars and proteins, they create energy which then fuels their growth.

You may be familiar with the skin and bones look that many end-stage cancer patients have as they near death. This is an example also of cancer’s ability to ferment protein, this time the patient’s own muscles, again to fuel their own growth and survival within the human body.

Sadly, we have changed the way we look at food so much these days that many times we don’t realise what we are doing.

As Dean would say we go against the grain with many things, including, “We don’t recommend juicing! You’re simply giving your cancer cells a good old sugar party”.

Juicing is widely and heavily promoted in our community as a healthy option, but for many with a chronic illness, especially cancer, alas you’re giving your body a large serve of unprotected sugars in a form that is likely unhelpful. Once the cell wall is pulverised through the juicing process, the body’s absorption of the natural sugar is not slowed by the naturally occurring fibre the fruit would normally be wrapped in and ingested with.

So we’d rather say – “Eat that piece of fruit!”

A Whole Foods Plant-Based framework can really help us with this!

While you don’t need to stick with this framework religiously, it can be helpful in getting you to think about – How far has my food come from it’s natural source?

Eating fruit, vegetables, herbs, spices and legumes is often a great start. We can clearly see how much manipulation has or has not occurred as they make their way closer to our mouths. This fortnight’s recipe is yet another great example of trying to increase the level of “real food” we put into our body. You can even forego the corn chips for a wonderful bean salad!

The same thing applies for those taking protein powders and alike. I am yet to meet anyone in my practice, omnivore or plant-based for that matter, who is protein deficient.

We’ve been convinced somehow that we need them, but as usual, the best place to start is your diet and finding natural, plant-based ways to get it directly from our food! I’ve included Simply Kitchen’s free protein poster here for you but click here if you’d like your very own!

*Be sure to seek expert nutritional advice from a qualified professional.